Thursday, September 4, 2014

Losing your Hair #@*?:!

You might not think about how important your hair is until you face losing it. And if you have cancer and undergo chemotherapy, the chance of hair loss is very real. Whether or not you have hair loss from your chemotherapy depends mostly on the type and dose of medication you receive. But whether you can maintain a healthy body image after hair loss depends alot on your attitude. I am fortunate to have a wonderful family and awesome friends that have been very supportive. The American Cancer Society has an amazing program that allows you to go to one of there wig shop's and pick out
 "For Free" a wig, 5 hats, a scarf, and 3 headbands. What an comfort knowing that I did not have to spend anymore money on head coverings as the medical was enough to worry about.
I was warned, and it didn't take long before I notice hair loss. It started gradually between the first and second round of Chemo Treatments, but really picked up on the second. Here I am two days after the second treatment and I could almost pull it all out by hand.
 I don't know at what point you become ready as a women to have no hair. I found it a nice transition to have my niece Karli cut my hair short so that it was a little more manageable, although there will come a time when I am sick and tired of picking up hair off of my shirt and the ground, that I will just shave the rest. As my hair is thinning I am sporting my new headband, I can do this!


  1. You are doing this and your going to kick butt!!! So strong and stronger than ever. Just a test!

  2. You are so beautiful, sweetheart! And although your hair is gorgeous, it's certainly not why you are so beautiful. Love the new short look! You are in my thoughts and prayers. XOXO
